Ten Ten

Pioneering Independent Living through Housing and Services since 1975

A non-profit community board oversees the administration of the funding and services of Ten Ten Sinclair Housing Inc. The board is not involved in day-to-day administration but participates by establishing policies for the organization and ensuring that Ten Ten Sinclair Housing Inc. is meeting its goals and objectives. Each year at the annual general meeting, 13 to 19 board members are elected by the membership of Ten Ten Sinclair Housing Inc. At least fifty-one percent of these board members are persons with disabilities.  Our by-laws stipulate that the Board of Directors is composed of:

  • At least six Directors appointed by the Nomination Committee as nominated by Ten Ten, Fokus, and Westwood;
  • One third of Directors appointed by the Minister responsible for Manitoba Housing;
  • One Director appointed by Spinal Cord Injury Manitoba Inc.;
  • Community appointees presented by the Nomination Committee.

General membership in Ten Ten Sinclair Housing Inc. is open to anyone who supports the goals and philosophy of the organization. Members receive annual reports and are entitled to vote at annual meetings. There is a minimal fee to join. All tenants are encouraged to become members.